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채용정보 상세 검색

국내 리딩 맥주 제조 및 수입 판매업체 Asso. Category Management Director  (지원마감)
회사소개 국내 리딩 맥주 제조 및 수입 판매업체
업무내용/자격요건 [담당업무]
- Set-up clear CATMAN roadmap and develop impactful category vision based on diverse syndicated and non-syndicated sources to derive adequate consumer & shopper insights
- Introduce and negotiate CATMAN approach to key retailers in off channel (Planogram, SKU optimization, etc.)
- Connect learnings from various sources to create clear and impactful selling stories in a visually appealing manner
- Collaborate effectively across multiple AB teams (Sales, Trade Marketing, Center of Excellence) to provide holistic analysis and solutions that lead to future growth
- Own key levers in off channel to drive optimized POC execution in all channels (Planogram, Assortment, Visual Merchandising, Macro space management, Innovation)
- Drive right T&M process in collaboration with key account/POC execution team to sustain Account/POC adherence
- CATMAN result analysis and proposal update based on Nielsen and POS data
- Expand CATMAN process to other channel & retailers based on the best practices

서류전형 / 면접전형

이력서 및 경력기술서
기타사항 학력:대졸이상, 나이:무관, 성별:무관, 외국어:영어
근무지:서울 삼성동
담당자 담당컨설턴트: 노창호 대표이사
연락처: 02-739-8620 /
이메일: chnoh@searchncompany.com
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채용정보안내 국내 리딩 맥주 제조 및 수입 판매업체 Asso. Category Management Director  (지원마감)
담당컨설턴트 노창호 대표이사
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