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채용정보 상세 검색

외국계 소비재회사 Supply Service Manager (15년 이상)  (지원마감)
회사소개 외국계 소비재사
업무내용/자격요건 [Summary]
Responsible for the management of the total supply chain from demand to the customer, To contribute
to the overall business strategy, it have to support categories and areas in the growth of net revenues
and drive gross margin expansion and improvement of cash management.

[Scope/ Dimensions of Role]
Manage and develop the Supply Chain activities in relation to the following areas within country:
? Forecasting & Demand Planning
? 3rd party manufacturing and import / export planning
? Logistics (Warehousing & Distribution) including ocean freight
? Sourcing matrix / Quality improvement monitoring
? All inventory level and Cash improvement
? To improve /re-engineer processes to create a flexible responsible supply chain and excellent
customer service at a low cost

? Supply chain professional qualification
? Specialist knowledge for demand, production planning and Logistics
? Proven expertise and skills in FMCG business and company at least over 15 years
? fluency in English is essentia
기타사항 학력:대졸이상, 나이:무관, 성별:무관, 외국어:영어
근무지:서울 영등포구 국제금융로
담당자 담당컨설턴트: 이영화 수석
연락처: 02-739-3558 /
이메일: lee@searchncompany.com
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채용정보안내 외국계 소비재회사 Supply Service Manager (15년 이상)  (지원마감)
담당컨설턴트 이영화 수석
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