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채용정보 상세 검색

글로벌 건설화학기업 R&D Manager  (지원마감)
회사소개 외국계 글로벌 건설화학 기업
업무내용/자격요건 [담당업무]
TITLE: RD Manager

? To do product development based on business requirements and with the support of the regional R&D
? To coordinate local Product Development Committee and take the lead on local product development projects
? To take the lead of product development in collaboration with customers
? To evaluate Saint-Gobain Construction Chemicals new technologies for deployment in the local market
? To evaluate alternative raw materials for performance and cost optimization
? To evaluate new or modified products in cement and concrete application
? To work on product selection, combinations and formulation, including cement and concrete mix design optimization
? To raise up the MOC to be modified and combined
? To evaluate the conditions of raw materials of concrete at jobsites
? To lead lab trials and participate in field trials for product development and approval when necessary
? To prepare lab and field evaluation reports
? To benchmark competition solutions
? Be responsible for lab safety, equipment maintenance and calibration etc.

BE/BSc ? Chemistry / Materials (Preferred), or BE of civil engineering
2-5 years minimum
Experience in Construction Industry related to cement, concrete applications and construction chemicals formulation
Fluent in English

서류전형 / 면접전형

이력서 및 경력기술서
기타사항 학력:대졸이상, 나이:무관, 성별:무관, 외국어:영어
근무지:인천시 남동구
담당자 담당컨설턴트: 유소희 수석
연락처: 02-739-1763 /
이메일: ysh@searchncompany.com
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채용정보안내 글로벌 건설화학기업 R&D Manager  (지원마감)
담당컨설턴트 유소희 수석
보내는사람 이름
보내는사람 이메일

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